Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2 Days Left For My Internship

This morning when I just arrived to the office and I was still clueless about everything, I decided to sit and fly away with my mind (not that I'm a telepath or anything, I wish though). I kept thinking that my internship's really going to end, I can't believe that I'd say this but I do feel that I will lose a part of me. A part of me that is actually starting to enjoy working there, the people, the environment, the burdens. It's not really entertaining but it's not really bad either. And I couldn't believe that it's been 1 month and I totally went through it.

Everything spins around inside my mind and I asked myself "Do I actually feel sad that I'm leaving?". It's the thing that I want the most for the past 1 month, to get the hell outta there, now I feel sad ?? That's just weird mostly cuz I'm a hedonist. But I always accept everything that's new to me, and I do admit I've never felt this thing before and it's exciting.

I took pictures with everyone in the office (I have planned it since 1 week ago). Somehow, I know I'm gonna miss 'em and it's because they have been great to me, in every possible way, going from humanity to professionalism. I've grown bigger, better, GREATER and I'm just so GLAD that I did this internship.

Sure, it was a pain in the ass for the 1st week. But after about 4 weeks, I feel that "the pain in the ass" is totally worth it.
And I believe that as one door closes, another one opens.

~ It's totally not an ending, it's a new BEGINNING~


Unknown said...

wow.... loe jadi workaholic ni vin? hahaha

Young Majesty said...

Me ? Workaholic ??

depends on the job actually

tp kykny engga d

gw rasa krn new environment aja n ud adaptable, tp pas ud adaptable, ud waktu ny "leaving"

it feels different, kinda sad se...