Sunday, August 17, 2008

Slice And Dice

This morning I decided to re-do my hair cuz my new colors have faded away. I didn't want to do it at first cuz it's kinda dicey and I was lazy, but then I just had to do it.

Believe or not, I just dyed my hair yesterday, and after water-washing, it's totally fading away. I guess it's because of the water [the water hasn't been approved by the Health Department kalo kata Cincha Lawra]

And I got there [my usual hair stylist] about 2 pm something, and I got it re-dyed + re-cut - and I have to admit the colors and the cut are so much better than yesterday. I think I look even hotter !! ~~

And right now I'm sitting at the Starbucks Coffee, waiting for the right time to leave for my dinner in Pandan Restaurant - with my Rafflesian

Loves it

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