I just finished re-watching The Parent Trap and it's AWESOME. Lindsay Lohan totally killed it !! She's a very cute red-hair little girl and she's so adorable. I always have loved Lindsay Lohan ever since I watch the movie from the first time back in the 1998 [I was like 9 years old back then]. Re-watching this movie brings back the good old days, back when Lindsay's still a pretty little girl with freckles [Loves it] and not to forget Lindsay was a Straight-A student back then at school. But I was still a kid and I didn't know much about her back then. But when I saw her in Freaky Friday, Confessions of A Teenage Drama Queen, and especially Mean Girls...

"Wasn't she the little redhead who played twins in The Parent Trap?" that's what I asked myself when I saw her. Since when have she become such a hottie ?? I mean, she's totally HOT and I just realized at the time that maybe this was the reason I love Lindsay Lohan, she had transformed from the pretty little redhead with freckles to the ultimate Hollywood's It-Girl. She had grown from the cute little girl to be a hot teenage girl, she's not only AMAZINGly hot as a girl but she's also a great young actress. I thought by 2003, Lindsay Lohan was on Top of her game. But then...

She kept changing her image along with major personal dramas in her life, being more famous got her into more troubles and lots of paparazzi. By 2006 she had already ruled the media :
1. From Hollywood's It-Girl to Hollywood's Party-Girl
2. From a Very-Fine Redhead to A Total Slut
3. Drunk Driving [DUI] and Crack-Whore
4. From a Lady To a Panty-less Ho To Firecrotch
5. More importantly, she transformed herself from Lindsay Lohan to LiLo
I guess it's her PATH, you know. People always make choices and I think Lindsay made her choices as well, whether they're negatives or positives. Positive choices of course would do her good, damn well it's for her own good. I also think that the negative choices that she made before would do the same justice to her but I also think that what seemingly negatives about Lindsay at the moment, eventually will turn out to be very positive for her. Because I think that "he/she" wouldn't turn to be "somebody" if "he/she" only experienced the happiness in this reality. And I believe that a person will become a somebody when that person has experienced both the positives and negatives in their lives.
Well, whatever she is and whatever she does at the moment, I'm happy for LiLo [I love and prefer to call Lindsay by this nickname]. I dunno why, but I'm a still a big fan of Lindsay Lohan, no matter what she did / does / will do.
She's always gonna be the cute little redhead with freckles [and sex kitten] -> to me
PS : Though you're a total slut or a bitch or whatever you are right now. I still LOVE you, Lindsay Lohan
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