Those things are called Bird's Nest, it's the main business of my family. Bird's Nest is the thing that helps my family physically, mentally, and financially. Thanks to them, my family can still eat a plate of rice.
It may look strange or whatsoever, believe me, it still does to me. But in some points I feel that I have to give them my gratitudes, I have to thank them, this is the purpose of this one particular blog post.
I wanna thank Bird's Nest, I know it's kind of stupid for thanking "things", but I know that I have to, because honestly, Bird's Nest is the thing that keeps helping me to be HEALTHY - physically, mentally, and financially. Since I was a kid, my father had been striving to make this Bird's Nest business works. Even my father's death won't change that, this business will not die the way my father did. My father's children [meaning : Me and My Elder Siblings] willl continue his work and we hope that we will surpass him one day. It is one of his legacy, his remains, his works, and I'm proud of him - I'm proud of it.
-Bird's Nest-
Chinese Name : 燕窝 [Yan Wo]
A.K.A : Swallow's Nest ~ Sarang Burung Walet [in Bahasa Indonesia]
Brief Function : Bird's Nests are supposedly rich in nutrients which are traditionally believed to provide health benefits, such as aiding digestion, raising libido, improving the voice, alleviating asthma, increasing concentration, and an overall benefit to the immune system [thank you Wikipedia.com]
Anyone interested ??
Phone Number : (021) 6614030
E-mail : sumberkencanawijaya@gmail.com
ini promosiin usaha burung wallet via blog nih?
promosi nih yeee..
in a way...
i guess that's a YES
LoL ~ boleh kan promosi ??
interested ??
loves it
isn't the term .. Swallow's nest more accurate?
Actually it's just a name
that's why i put A.K.A [Also Known As]
and the bird is not really swallow
the bird is called "swiftlet bird"
the swallow term comes from "Yan" [燕]
Very nice promotion, PoTM
Sorry,males nulis nama lengkap
It's really good to know more about your own family's business makes me wonder about mine although thinking about the heat from machines melting raw aluminum in my father's company. It's just not nice I've been there a couple of time, but really just try to stay inside the office where there's actually air conditioner.
Sorry, but I made sure the heir to the company, my lil bro A2 knows what is he going to take over for.
and a few years ago I believe he was able to give me a complete guide tour of the entire company,so I know I'm pick the right heir for my dad's throne or whatever.
It's amazing,maybe it's time for me to learn somethings more about my dad's family business just in case, so that I have something more to say than my dad's in aluminum business.
Wow, Prince of The Meanest
I just can't believe how much you have changed.
And you makes me wanna change to into a better person.
Thank you.
Your humble follower,
Tao Priestess
MSTM, what do you mean by change ?
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