I just read a blog from a very dear friend of mine [taopriestess] and I have to say again that I don't have anything against him, except his latest blog, his latest stupid "I figure out the bitchiness scale according hair color"~BLOG.
In his blog and according to his own scale, he believed that RedHead Beats Blonde when it comes to bitchiness ~ which makes me LAUGH because it's a very ridiculous statement. And I believe this dear friend of mine was living in his own -World of Reality- when he's writing that particular blog. And I give you credits for that.
Everybody knows, everybody knows that Blondes were the ones who made "BITCH" as the term that it is now. Simply put, blondes were the ones who made "BITCH" as the new trend ~ the trend that [almost] everybody loves to be and wants to be.
FYI ~ back then nobody wanted to be called a BITCH. And I have to be honest that I do know the term "bitch" has become less offensive since 1980's. Still...nobody liked to be called a bitch back then in the 80's. And recently [from 2000 - present] one of the popular blondes who made BITCH as the new thing was Paris Hilton [and everybody knows that she always says "bitch this and bitch that"] and it seems that BITCH has become a lot less OFFENSIVE word to say.
Suddenly? [almost] Everyone wants and loves to be a BITCH. Thanks to who? Thanks to the BLONDES.
Footnote : And when it comes to VILLAIN ~ mostly the meanest and the bitchiest is BLONDES, [for example] ~Mean Girls, Sydney White, The Parent Trap, The Devil Wears Prada, Princess Diaries, Melrose Place, and the list goes on. Redheads, Brunettes, and Black-haireds usually are just SIDE-KICKS. And everybody knows that. *evil laughs*
You Know You Love Me
Prince of Meanest
Yes, I love you.
And I did say it's based on my own scale.
And actually I completely forget to write that you would refer to of course, Freaking Paris.
But you know what makes me surpise is that you didn't even mention Legally Blonde or Reese Witherspoon
or Sarah Michelle Gellar, but whatev.
Guess you only forgot or something.
Tao Priestess
c'mon !! i didn't forget about them !!
1. Sarah Michelle Gellar is a natural brunette, she dyed her hair blond for Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2. Elle Woods [Reese Witherspoon] never said the word "bitch" in Legally Blonde
how could i forget legally blonde ? it's my all time favorite chick-flick
OW, I c so that's why.
Oh, ok SMG is better on brunette anyway I prefer it on her movies.
Ok,but Reese did say blonde is a powerfull thing or is it Luke Wilson's line, though she did refer on him not going to be able to handle on being a blonde.
Oh, well I guess good for you, you did fit the profile of a great blonde bitch, whichb I'm sure you're gonna kill like Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls or Mandy Moore in Princess Diaries, I think.
thank you ~~
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