Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I Had A Dream That I Thought I Would Never [dream] About ~ in my whole life

Well, it's kinda difficult for me to say it even typing it because there's a possibility this writing can never be deleted. But I've promised to myself the moment I woke up that I had to write about this dream. Ok ~ I dreamed about... *sound of drums ~ deng dereng deng* ...... LA !!

Uh huh, I know !! For the first time in my life and for the first time in everyone who knows about our history, I dreamed about LA. If there's any consolation, it wasn't a sex dream [Thank God] or anything sexually arousing [Jesus, Marie, and Joseph].

This dream is a kinda long - continuous one. I dreamed that I was back in high school and my Chauffeur was sick or whatsoever, he's just not there to drive me. Therefore, I chose the 2nd option, I went to my eldest brother's house, my second brother was there, having a breakfast~kind of. Then I asked my second brother [because he's the closest thing that I saw] whether he could drive me or not and he jokingly said that he couldn't because he's lazy and he told me that I should have known how to drive anyway. And I was like "whatever" -> I went to my eldest brother and apparently he already prepared motorcycle [yeah, if it's morning, my eldest brother kinda lazy driving a car]. Well, the important thing in that dream was I could go to school.

Before I went with my eldest brother, his wife asked me whether I wanted a V or not, I rejected the V cause I was afraid that's gonna delay my "American Dream" [if you know what I mean] ~ and the V stands for Toyota Vios ~ YES, it's cheap and YES, it's Britney Spears' ads ~ and she thought I might catch the bait, HeLLo !! I'm smarter than that [like d'uh].

I was on the passenger side of the motorcycle [the back seat]. As my brother went driving the motorcycle, I met two friends of mine that I chose to ignore because I was still sleepy, I pretended I didn't see them, it wasn't that important anyway and I didn't think they would mind.

And out of sight ~ out of nothing. I drove-pass LA !! ~ In my dream, LA's house in Jakarta was near my house and apparently we're even in the same damn "MK", we're just different in blocks, but still very close. LA was wearing a white sweater, blue jeans, and he's bringing his worn-out bag [if you know what I mean] ~ and in my dream, his HAIR [trust me] was ~ Longer, Bigger, Dirtier, and he's still using the "center-pony-tail" hair-style [I don't know what it's called, I named it myself, forgive me if there's any mistake]. When I drove-pass him, he didn't see me but I did see him [as I was shocked thinking "How in Earth ?"], I decided not to wave my hand cuz I didn't think he would see me either. He didn't notice me because he was too busy looking at himself in the mirror [it was the window-mirror of his house] and he was too busy taking care of his hair - kalo istilah Bahasa Indonesia "nyisir2 + nyasak rambut" [I'm not being MEAN and it's not a joke].

And the most AMAZING thing is that the dream was so vivid, everything about LA was so vivid, I could remember every single bit. And I'm still wondering why I had that dream because it's totally weird.

The rest of the dream is that I arrived in my high school - studying Geography [strangely, with my former junior high school-teacher, YES it's my former junior high- teacher and I won't mention name]. She's being MEAN and I just had to snap at her, we ended up arguing but I can't remember the whole thing, not that it's important or anything but I didn't think I lose to her, which is GOOD.

That's all of it !! and I don't think everyone feels that the dream as weirdly interesting as I feel. But believe me, it's already on top my -I can't believe it- List.


queen bitch said...


queen bitch said...

-- unbelievably speechless --

Young Majesty said...

u're speechless though you're not the one who dreamed about it...

what about me ?

I'm shocked beyond any comprehension

lol ....

i should have written the particular outfits about LA "dirty - worn out white sweater" instead

because it was dirty, not only his worn-out bag

Tao Priestess said...

I wonder who LA is since I never heard u using "LA as a referral to someone famous before or at least I didn't think so.Ow, well I take it you have a nice dream good for you. I haven;t had any dreams for months and especially not the one that I remember or worth remembering for anyway.
May you dream come true,I guess. Is that appropriate?
Tao Priestess