Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quote of The Day

It was quite a nice 9am --- we're having the Cross Cultural Communication subject, and the subject talks mostly about "culture" and all that jazz ~ I really had fun this morning because The Father Almighty said lots of funny things ~~ but the one line that totally rocks :

The Father Almighty : "I don't do Cave Bar and prowl..."
Akang ~ Prince of Meanest ~ Bawel : *Laughing Out Loud* [in our mind] ~ that's so Yeye !!

Then we're having lunch -- in the new Rafflesianese's personal space [7th Floor] ~ as we all know - Rafflesianese [LOVES] LA ~ we always talk about LA anytime - anywhere. Of course by "talking" I mean we're not only chit-chatting, sometimes we mock or more like [often] ~ but then...

Mbah Dukun : "Hey...Hey...we have to be kind to animal."
Everyone : *Laughing Out Loud* [wkakakakakak]
Mbah Dukun : What I said just now stays only in this room~a !

FYI : LA cut his hair ~~ and now LA has a -Looks Like a Retard- beard

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quote of The Day

I just finished watching Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 4 Betty Suarez Land ~ and I know I'm kinda late but whatever, my internet hasn't been working properly these days ~ that's my excuse.

Then again, I've found two great quotes from that episode

"You screw me over. I screw you back. A whole lot of screwing goin' around."

By : Wilhelmina Slater

"You know, sometimes when we want something really bad, we forget that there are other people involved. We just get stuck in our own little worlds, and it doesn't matter what other people feel...except that does matter."
By : Betty Suarez

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

From [was never] Perfect To Worse

What a night to start my assignment - my life was never PERFECT now it keeps gettin' WORSE and the funny thing is I didn't do it on purpose ~ I thought I was trying to help but apparently I was helping the wrong person.

So it started when I got a message from that "wrong person" ~ let's call him "son of a bitch". The son of a bitch messaged me that he needed my help ~ not that I ever wanted to help him. He said that he needed my help and anyone must not know about this "help" and he even said that it's because I'm close to my "particular friend" ~ in the end of the 1st message "mau apa nga kira2 elu nolongin gw?"

and I replied the 1st message like this :
"heh ? of course lah ~ if i could help i would - blom ditolong jgn thx dolo lar --- gw jd ga enak" <-- I thought I was doing my "particular friend" a favor - I seriously THOUGHT that, it was never about him, it's always about helping one of my best friend ~ and I guess I was so wrong [I'll get to that part]. And the second message that was written by Son of A Bitch : "tapi tolong, tolong.. even anyone shouldnt know about the favor im asking you.. you're a man of his word kan? gw pengen bunuh diri, kemaren usaha gw gagal pas gw lagi dicentro ngejatohin diri ditangga teguling2.. gimana dia sekarang? gw barusan udahan ama dia baru2 ini, kemarin ini hari kamis gw ribut besar ama dia, pas ditelfon gw kalap dan gw emosi sesaat yang amat teramat childish, gw delete dia dari fb & fs gw, dan gw bener2 menyesal sekali telah ngelakuin itu.. gwpusing.. gw musti gimana. gw asli pengen mati dari kemarin ini bawaannya mikir mulu nga henti.. udah 2hari belum tidur sampe detik ini.. gimana dia masih ada pegi2 bareng nga lu ama dia kemarin2 ini?gw mohon, jangan sampe siapapun tahu tentang hal yang kita bahas ini.. tolong banget.. thank you..oia ada baiknya itu fren rikues dari gw elu ignore aja daripada ada yang tau.. thanks.." Then I replied it from my perspective - from what I have seen, I won't show it here cuz it's not really necessary. Things got really intense from there - from asking how that "particular friend" of mine - to phone number - and I swear to GOD I didn't want to give son of a bitch my "particular friend"'s phone number ~ you can call me amateur but that "son of a bitch" has a very superb acting skill - I don't remember what he said [because there's a lot of it] but he did make me saying "So, you're asking for my "particular friend"'s phone number?" ~ and what an ASS !! he rejected at first - I should've known better - I was tricked [and here I thought I was the meanest and the most cunning person on the Planet Earth] - but then he's like whining about his "problems" and he kept sobbing and blabbering [I swear I thought I was gonna die listening to him] ~ and then he just like said it to me "would you mind to give the "particular friend"'s phone number?" and GOD what a FOOL I WAS !! ~ I FucKING FELL FOR IT !! I KNOW !! I KNOW !! I KNOW I was such a weakling !! How could I ever fall for that ?? I KNOW I was the one to blame ~ it's my FUCKING FAULT !! But I have made it clear with my "particular friend" that I have no ill-intentions and I thought I was doing "particular friend" a favor ~ and I guess I was wrong ~ and my action is biting me on the ass at the moment 1. I got myself a trouble 2. I think my "particular friend" is sad because of what I did 3. I heard that Queen Bitch is pissed off because of what I did 4. I haven't even started on my assignment yet 5. I got nobody to blame but me PS : ~ I should've asked my "particular friend" first before I gave son of a bitch the phone number - I am so SORRY ~ I swear I've told son of a bitch MANY TIMES that I didn't want to get involved in this problem but he kept dragging me - calling me - he has a way with persuasion that I have to admit that he's GREATER than me ~ I swear to GOD that I told him not to call me again MANY TIMES ~ I swear to GOD I was defending and helping my "particular friend" or I thought I was ~ I thought I was doing my friend a favor apparently I was digging my own grave ~ Compassion is something that I have to get rid of
I am so sorry for what I did and I'm apologizing to everyone who has been hurt because of what I did and I am aware that my actions have caused a lot of people ~ hurting them but I swear I have never had any ill-intentions to those everyone. I am sorry and even though I know I might be forgiven ~ this particular tragedy will never be forgotten no matter how hard I try ~ I just hope that myself and anyone who's reading this can learn from my mistake.

Up [to] Date

Hey There ~~ [Hell Here !!]

It's been a very long time since I wrote my last blog ~ it's been almost 20 days I guess. Actually, I planned not to write any blog because I am so busy at the moment ~ working on my assignments but then I got a message from my dear friend taopriestess - he's been worrying about me because I haven't updated my blog - that's so sweet of you, thanx dude !!

I have no idea what to write at the moment ~ a lot of things happened in the past 20 days ~ when My mom + uncles were here [Guangzhou-China] ~ yeah, they arrived on 4th of October - long story. I think I'm just gonna update what happened to me for a while:

1. My mom arrived on 4th of October - I pretty much accompanied her as I was having my holiday
2. I got myself a new iPod Nano Chromatic - it's beautiful and it works wonders
3. I spent about 3000 HK$ when I was with my Mom ~ iPod, Nike sportbag, Adidas shoes, some clothes
4. I've got a new Indonesian-Chinese friend - his name is W**** ~ let's call him Mother-Fucking Prince at the moment
5. I've started my Bachelor degree program - and to be honest, it's really difficult
6. I love the Catfight between Blair VS Serena ~ the new S is damn hot, reminds me of Regina George from Mean Girls
7. I've gotten myself in a spot that I cleary do want to ~ it's like being tossed around
8. Some people just told me that I might be victimizing myself - but they also said that at least we still have to be ourselves - no matter what other people think
9. My brother just called me in the morning - talking about the signing of a paper [again] ~ I have to go to "konjen" [again]
10. I love Britney Spears even more ~ I've never doubted her ~ now her latest single "Womanizer" has jumped from No.96 to No.1 [in Billboard Hot 100] ~ congratz !!
11. I think Paris Hilton is a lot less intimidating in Episode 2 of -Paris Hilton's New BFF-
12. I just watched "Wanted" for the 2nd time last Sunday ~ Angelina Jolie is F-ing Hot !!
13. I got myself a new haircut - it's more spikey now ~
14. My Lecturer [the father almighty] told me something that made me uncomfortable last Monday. But I'm trying to look at the positive traits of it ~ and I know he's doing it for my sake
15. I'm gonna write something new A.S.A.P

For now ~~~ ??!!

Have a Good Day

You Know You Love Me

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Can Not Believe That Anyone Could Be That Stupid !? It's Beyond My Comprehension

I have to be honest that I never think of myself as -The World's Genius- but I do know that I'm [certainly] smarter than a 5th Grade. The reason why I'm writing this at the moment is because the AWESOMENESS of my Mother's brother A.K.A Uncle / Jiu Jiu / 舅舅. I am awesomely dismayed.

My Mom and my 2 Uncles [1 from my Dad's side & 1 from my Mom's side], they were supposed to come to China-Guangzhou by flight today [3rd October 2008] and they were supposed to arrive at noon [maybe about 2/3 pm]. Trust me, I'm horrified knowing why my Mom has cancelled today's flight.

To be honest, I was quite angry last week because my mom had postponed their flight schedule, saying that they couldn't get a ticket on 24 September 2008. HeLLo?! [*snap snap*] I have my own -schedule- too, ReMemBeR?!

Right now, I'm not exactly angry and I'm damn Pissed Off. Now, I have to re-schedule everything [again] and to be frankly, I think I can not catch up to any of my plans for this month. My "supposed" plans for this month if my schedule wasn't ruined :
1. Taking care the family business for this month A.S.A.P [approximately in 3-4 days] so that I can go to Hongkong peacefully.
2. Pay my studio-apartment fee + their maintenance + other bills bills bills before 13th October 2008.
3. Meet my cousins and their new-born baby ~ Charlotte
4. Meet my best friend in Prince Edward on 7th October 2008.
5. Buy my new nano iPod before 13th October 2008.
6. Buy my Twilight series before 13th October 2008.
7. Meet my good friend and her family in Guangzhou [I don't know when cause she hasn't called but I know it's supposed to be these 2 weeks]
8. Pay my tuition fee before 13th October 2008.
9. Take my chinese best friend to a certain Hip-Hop dance studio.

13th October 2008 is the date when my Bachelor program starts. I want to go Back To Basics ~ [being a good student] and I want to get all of my plans done before that particular date. Now that my schedule is ruined I certainly have no idea of what I should do next. Like they say "Not everything will go accordingly as we've planned" ~ and I guess this is one of 'em.

Apparently, my mom couldn't come on this day because my uncle [舅舅] did not realize that his passport had been expired for quite some time. He found out about it the exact morning they had a plane to catch. Does that mean that my uncle found that his freakin' passport was expired the day when they were supposed to have a flight?! And YES, it is.

I know some people can be dumb but I totally have no idea that they can be [dumber] that they already are. I can not believe this, how could anyone be that stupid?! It's totally beyond my comprehension.

Realizing one's passport had been expired the day they had a plane to catch sounds as STUPID as Losing one's plane ticket that was put inside the wallet + some cash + cellphone [and it happened more than once] when they're partying at clubs.

Personally, I think this kind of people should be caged in some isolated place and NOT to be treated as human beings for they clearly don't understand what they DID. It's not about the stupid things they did, it's more about the DEGREE of IDIOCY that they did ~ [koq IQ-ny bisa sampe merangkak kyk gitu se? Pernah denger yg namany "sekolah" kan?].

I really don't get how they could be that [plain] DUMB and to tell the truth there's nothing -cute- about that, more like ~ disgusting & self-degrading. I'll never know why some people want to degrade themselves like that.

As I'm writing this, I think I just realize why I'm particularly horrified. The thought just strikes me and I'm starting to ask myself "Is this some kind of a disease?" ~ "Is it -epidemically- contagious?".

I know I act dumb sometimes, but clearly there's a difference between acting and the real thing.