Thursday, March 5, 2009

Promosi Pembalut

I know the title sounds very perverted but trust me, it's kinda funny because I have never planned on talking about "pembalut" *LoL* ~ even typing it makes me laugh. My best friend [this one is a girl] and I were chatting in MSN regarding my elder sister's offer of job vacancy and we're also talking about how this was gonna be a long-term working thing. She's kinda worried about that but she also said that she wanted to talk to my sister about girly thing, but she told me anyway.

Minako Chan : Gw ama Sassy Girl member pembalut n of course itu pembalut OK banget.
Minako Chan : Pembalut anion love moon, young majesty. Perusahaan Winalite.
Minako Chan : Ada websiteny! Emang ud Go International bgt.
Minako Chan : Penciptany org Canada
Minako Chan : Tp bos n pabrikny malah di HK n China loh!
Minako Chan : Soalny ini pembalut tersebar jg di Amrik, Korea, Jepang, n bbrp negara asia ttg
Minako Chan : Baru bbrp thn tersebar di negara2 tersbut
Minako Chan : Blm msk ke Europe or Africa. Tp OZ kykny ud masuk d
Minako Chan : So..ud tenar banget di Senayan, supposed di jakut ud pd tau khususny gading n PIK
Minako Chan : Banyak yg niru lho! slain anion jdny banyak, n mrk patenin hargany dibawah dia, tp tetap effek yg always orisinil n no1 lah ya
Minako Chan : Mahal dikit asal berkhasiat. Uang gak mgkn salah koq sm kualitas,setidakny...
Minako Chan : Bagus banget buat cw2 remaja, n ibu2 muda or even ud tua, tp kalo masih "love moon" ya.

I was mesmerized by all of her typings. I could only laugh the whole conversation because I don't really know what to say. But I guess this "pembalut" thing is really that good. And believe me, I know my friend [Minako Chan] ~ she won't tell me unless it's a really good thing and good thing itu bukan cm pembalut ya, there are many good things in the world. And this is my first time talking about "pembalut" *Laughing Out Loud*.

Anyway ~ anyone's interested in this pembalut??

PS : May I know what are "anion" and "love moon" ?? I'm only curious, that's all...


Unknown said...

itu MLM vin.....

Young Majesty said...

MLM itu apa ???

Tao Priestess said...

Multi Level Marketing, Dr.B?

Anion is the brand, I think and "love moon" refers to menstruation, I think.

mk2705 said...

yup, cara krja 'mlm', hahaha.
baru smpet ol cek this super blog.
n wat???!!! u published in here, anyway, tq so much bro, hahaha, lol.
shocking when i was checking ur blog, fyi, haha.
blm smpet ktmu ma ur sis, young majesty, n baru tau kalo trnyta uda ada nickname buat ur sis-bff -> sassy girl, haha.