Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm Sick

*cough cough* ~ I'm sick and I think I'm having a cough, sore throat, flu, and diarrhea. *sneeze*

I didn't even go to school this morning and I just SMS French Yeye how sick I am. But, I still have time flipping through pages in my Facebook :P *LoL* and when I did it, I saw new photos of my friend [tao priest] and his friends, I didn't know the location but I think it's like -Puncak- ~well, who cares?? as long as they're having fun, I'm happy then.

In some photos, I saw a few shocking pictures or people ~ which I wouldn't tell but it's not like it's so significant-whatever thing.

Going for my dinner ~ Mbah Dukun made me some nice dinner ~~

C You Guys in the next blog...

PS: Gossip Girl is back !!


Tao Priestess said...

Yes, GG is back.

What shocking pictures or people?
Which specifically?
Um, the TarQ group retreat to Bandung, not Puncak.It was in summer 2007 I believe or year end 2007-2008.

You know, I'm a late facebook bloomer, haven't haven't even upload any pictures from 2008.

Only been tagged to a couple of 2008s. no 2009 yet, I'll do it soon hopefully, and none of those will be my Tats if you're wondering.

Again which picture and/or people?
let me know, so that I can explain if t needed to be expllained.

Tao Priestess said...

Sorry, I compleely forgot, how unbelievable selfish and narcis of me that I completely forgot to say, get well soon. Idiot of me, so sorry

Young Majesty said...

no worries ~~ thank you

but im getting better now, but not better-good, just a so so better

still suffering from sore throat

about the pictures, i was just shocked to see the Bandung thing, but u never told me ~ that's all

nothing big i said
im just overreacting maybe