Today is Saturday and unfortunately I still have to work until 12 pm ~ extremely exhausting and trust me, I mean it. I had a chat with Queen Bitch 2 hours ealier, she said that we might have to cancel the appointment for watching G.I. Joe this afternoon, everyone was still sleepy. I had no argument with that because I was very tired myself and ready to get into deep slumber if anybody brought me a pillow.
Finally after a while ~ the clock showed exactly 12 pm and though I had to wait for at least 20 minutes, I decided to go home with my best friend [whom I think should get a new nickname in my blog]. While inside the elevator, the thought of watching -UP- crossed my mind and I knew I had to watch it today [this afternoon] no matter what, part of it because I believed nobody would be interested enough to watch that latest animated movie by Pixar, except Young Majesty and The Motherfucking Princess of course.
And yeah... UP has only been in cinema in GZ since 4th of August, I know it's really late but it's better than a no-show. The main reason I wanted to watch UP was because the "Story of a Dying Girl's last wish" ~ and I knew that UP was certainly gonna be amazing. The other reason was the fact that UP was also shown in 3D at the cinemas and yes it's my first time watching a 3D animated movie. Most people probably do not know about this, but being able to watch movies in IMAX theater is one of my dreams. Well, I consider watching this 3D animated movie UP as a way for me be to one step closer to my dreams.
Truth be told, I didn't expect to be "that" astonished by this movie, but obviously UP has succeeded way beyond my expectations. The opening scene was just heart-wrenching and I think that opening scene could only be rivaled by WALL-E's memory loss. And the very thing I love about UP during and after the time I was watching it is -> Russell [a wilderness explorer] that chubby boy who's trying to earn his final merit badge for "Assisting the Elderly" ~ Russell is just freakin' hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing when:
- Russell properly introduced himself to Mr. Fredricksen by reading his manual for three times
- Russell accidentally threw his GPS out of the window and said "Oops..."
- Russell was tired and complaining and being dragged by the house [face down in the dirt]
- Pretty much everything that relates to Russell the wilderness explorer
I feel that I can relate to Russell in many ways and I think we have a lot in commons. I'm not only talking about the fact we're both chubby but also Russell's innocence plus his other traits that I seem to possess once upon a time. By far, Russell is my favorite PIXAR's character besides EVE. Watching Russell in UP has given me a lot of thoughts about myself regarding "what could have been" ~ don't worry I won't start fussing about my -ultimate drama of all time- in this post :P
I really enjoyed watching UP but I have to say that I was a bit annoyed when I was told by the ticket-center in TeeMall that I needed to go to the Grandview Mall instead, to be able watch UP in 3D format. But at least, the long and exhausting path was worth every penny.
I really think that UP is another great masterpiece by PIXAR. I'm really grateful for being able to watch this movie and my utmost gratitude "Thank You" to PIXAR for making UP.
PS: Rest In Peace - Colby Curtin.