1. The Beginning Session. A Small Chocolate Cake [with the deepest love] With A Glass of Honey-Water. I made the honey-water on my own and I bought the small cake ~ cause I knew I was the only one who's gonna eat it and had a self-celebration for Britney's B'day. I lighted the candles, I chose Baby Blue because it's Britney Spears' favorite color and the other pink candle just to make it looked fancier.

2. The Eating Session. I prayed to GOD for like 10-15 minutes, I prayed for Britney Spears, all the positive things that I could think of. I made a wish for like 3 minutes, then I blew the candles. Obviously, I eagerly ate the B'day Cake and drank the whole glass of Honey-Water.

3. The Finishing Session. Well, the picture clearly shows everything. There's no need for any descriptions.
Happy Birthday Britney Jean Spears
Wish You All The Best
Wish You Love And Happiness Always
No Matter What
You'll Always Have My Love And Supports
Happy Birthday Britney Jean Spears
This Year Will Be Your Greatest Come-Back In The History
And I Know You're Gonna Make It
Love, Sincerity, Happiness, Hope, And Every Positive Things In The World
To The One And Only
I Love You
I Wish You The Merriest Happy Birthday
To The Legendary Britney Spears
FYI : I know I sound stupid [or crazy] but I always do this self-celebration for Britney Spears every year. I've been doing it for the last 9 years.
PS : It's already 2nd of December 2008 in my place right now, but because of the time zone difference, this specific blog is displayed on 1st of December 2008.