Friday, October 24, 2008

Quote of The Day

I just finished watching Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 4 Betty Suarez Land ~ and I know I'm kinda late but whatever, my internet hasn't been working properly these days ~ that's my excuse.

Then again, I've found two great quotes from that episode

"You screw me over. I screw you back. A whole lot of screwing goin' around."

By : Wilhelmina Slater

"You know, sometimes when we want something really bad, we forget that there are other people involved. We just get stuck in our own little worlds, and it doesn't matter what other people feel...except that does matter."
By : Betty Suarez


Tao Priestess said...

ow, nice quotes, the one from this week's episode are even better I would say.

That's all,
Tao Priestess

Young Majesty said...

yeah ---- Ugly Betty is awesome

Tao Priestess said...

Ugly Betty got so many awards on the ALMA Awards. The executive producer and host was Eva Longoria.

I watch Ugly Betty bec it plays before Grey's Anatomy. Hehehe.