Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Life Would Suck Without ~

I honestly don't really know what to write except that these days I have nothing interesting in my life, pretty much decent things that quite acceptable. I can't really sleep now, not only because I'm doing my iTunes but also playing my RRO [Rebirth Ragnarok Online], got introduced last 2 weeks by A-Kang, it's a HELL of FUN playing RO again, how I miss 'em. Thank You, Kang !!

I'm here promoting everyone to play RRO too, just like me, I'm officially addicted [again]. It's a private server, so it's free of charge, have fun playin'. Anyway, I'm on my first day of CNY [Chinese New Year] Holidays now. This would be the 2nd time I won't be home celebrating the Chinese Spring Festival with my friends and family. It doesn't really bother me though because I made the right decisions based on:
1. My holidays are short [1 week]
2. I know in the year of 2009, most of my friends are busy graduating from university
3. I will be forced to face lots unnecessary problems at home
4. Those unnecessary problems aren't mine, they're just forcing 'em to me.
5. I got no HEART to go back home

Speaking of which, I don't really know how to spend my CNY in here [for the 2nd row], I might only have dinner with some friends, to me right now, my friends are much more reliable + trustworthy than some of my family members, as I've said over and over again "Too Many Disappointments".

But, I do miss 1 person and that is my [dead] Father ~ I still can't believe this is gonna be the 2nd time I won't say "Gong Xi Fa Cai / 恭喜发财" to my Daddy. Not to mention I won't get Red Pocket from my Dad for the 2nd time. To everyone whose parents are complete, be GRATEFUL & THANKFUL for that !!

Currently Listening To :
My Life Would Suck Without You ~ By : Kelly Clarkson

It's a really great new single by Kelly Clarkson after that miserable "Never Again". You guys should check it out.

I'm off now

You Know You Love Me

Footnote : Have you guys realized that Queen B is back ?!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bye Bye [2008] ~ Welcome [2009]

I know it's kinda late to make a blog for a New Year greeting, but I think it's the right time for to write something about it, as I've never written any of my blogs accordingly, I just write when I feel like it. Ok, let's begin...

2008 has passed [in my time] 2 days ago, and I never thought that I'd be glad to write it down. In particular, I don't have anything EXCITING for this year, more like HORRIBLE if I think about it. Bener2 banyak kejadian yg tidak terduga [ya beberapa lah maybe I'm just exaggerating], tp itu smua didn't last long which is very good, tp gak berarti hal tersebut HILANG begitu saja. But, of course there are still nice moments to remember.

I'm not gonna put it in alphabetical order:
- Masa -baru adjusting- karena my Dad just passed away.
- Queen Bitch -terpaksa- di transport ke Singapore for like 6 months or more, because some lame residence/passport regulation in Guangzhou. We didn't have a Leader/Sister/Family for those amounts of time.
- Mother Fucking Princess juga pindah ke SG krn she told her mom about what happened to Queen Bitch, jd Rafflesian berkurang lagi, apalg Queen Bitch ud terpaksa ke SG. DAMMIT!!
- Financial Down Turn ~ aku sampe bingung soal yg ini !! ~ 3 kali-an sampe ditanya my Mom "bisa ga kalo kuliah ny cuti bentar ?" <--- I'm like "What The Fuck?"
- Year of 2008 makin dekat dengan Year of 2009 ~ my Judgement Day of America !! [penentuan I'm gonna be -Dead or Alive-].
- XBoX 360 rusak karena Red Rings of Death !! <--- FUCK !! ~ I haven't got the time to fix it.
- Musti ngurus2 surat kuasa my Dad ~ ud lebih dr 5x bolak - balik KBRI, gara2 musti legalisir, not to mention, the amounts of money that I have spent for "legalizing" those damn papers. And to tell the truth, masih blom "finish completely".
- The first time on my birthday that my Dad couldn't even say "Happy Birthday" because he's dead already. Honestly, I'm mad/angry/pissed off because Dad left me [and my family] and now I'm even in the worse state. Can't even think about my "American Dream".
- RMB naik - turun !! pernah sampe 1RMB = 2000-an Rupiah, OMG !! It hurts me bad financially.
- I also realize that sometimes I was just fooling myself with this whole USA-thing. Again, my FEAR has taken the very best of me, I don't know what will happen to me if I can't go there.
- Feel that sometimes "family" can hurt ME [and you] the most. Then it just struck me that I always get disappointed by them even until I felt used to it.
- Semakin hari berlalu, my emptiness is getting bigger and darker, ready to consume me inside out.

Nice Memories [and I won't put it in order] :
* I met Rafflesian ~ a group of people that I feel I belong to, they always keep me "Down To Earth & Up To Heaven" whenever I feel I need to. Though 2007 has been very rough to me because of my Dad's death and financial breakdown, tapi karena ada Rafflesians I didn't feel that much worse for the whole year of 2008. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
* I could celebrate Rafflesian' B'days with everyone that I love and I'm not afraid to call them "my friends" : Mini-Mean, Queen Bitch, [myself], Dr. C, Agent Bawel, Putri Kaca, Mbah Dukun. Even though, we couldn't celebrate Mother Fucking Princess' B'day + A-Kang, but I'm glad that I've come to know both of them.
* My -2008 Birthday Bash- ~ honestly, it was AMAZING, I couldn't stop being mesmerized and I was deeply touched. I could see the sincerity and the LOVE brighter [and all the positive things] that day and actually I was in tears [in my heart] because everyone remembered my B'day and they were willing to spend their precious time just to celebrate my Birthday. Never thought I could feel that HAPPINESS again. Thank You.
* Meet and get to know [even better] all of my GREAT Lecturers, Mbah Dukun is included of course.
* I got an internship in China Plaza and I passed the subject handsomely !! It's Hell of FUN.
* My Birthday -Chocolate Cheese- Cake : it was finger-licking good, but knowing that Rafflesians have put lots of efforts for my Birthday, it tasted even YUMMIER.
* My Birthday Presents : Birthday Card with everyone's wishes, iFish, Calvin Klein, Fubu, MacBook, Animal-Stuffed, Louis Vuitton Men's Wallet, and everything that relates to my birthday.
* My iPhone is 1 year old [11-11-2008].
* I got a new Silver iPod Nano Chromatic.
* I moved to a new [bigger & better] apartment and I found the perfect housemate.
* I often realized that [for reals] "friends" can turn into "family" both physically and mentally. Every time I was disappointed and struck down by own family, I could always find comfort in my "FRIENMILY"
* My mom liburan ke Guangzhou and Hongkong, jadi bisa spent time with her, walaupun she's not the perfect Mom, but I still love her because she's my Mother.
* My AMUSING & ENTERTAINING "Study Tours" ~ Philippines [Cebu & Manila], Hongkong, Macau, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. Loves it !!
* I got new friends and they're all very NICE - New Members of Rafflesians : Tukang Jayus + 1 Nice Girl ~ I haven't thought about appropriate nickname for her yet.
* Britney Spears is BACK to #1
* Queen Bitch is BACK and she decided to take Bachelor degree in Guangzhou. Our Rafflesians' leader has COME BACK !!
* I have graduated from my Diploma Degree [Business Administration]. I Fucking Did It !!

As I have said over and over again, everything has its own balance. Year of 2008 has been both BAD & GOOD for me and honestly, I'm grateful for all of it. Because I wouldn't feel AMAZINGLY happy If I didn't experience any of my sadness. At least, I know that everything happens for a reason [Cinta Laure Mode* ON].

And I know I can be such a Bitch or an Asshole, for that I sincerely apologize to everyone that I have offended both intentionally and unintentionally. This particular blog [Burn Book] of mine is my way to express all of my feelings and thoughts, if I hurt anyone's feeling I sincerely apologize.

For this coming year of 2009, I only have one dream and one set of goal. The goal is for me to graduate for my Bachelor Degree [Double Major: Management & Finance] and the dream is what it's always been ~ for me to be able to go to United States of America. Wish me Luck on the latter one.

Last but not least, I wanna Thank Everyone and Everything that have colored my life in the year of 2008. For without them, I wouldn't be who I am now and I believe that I am one step closer to the Person I will be in the Future. Thank You Everyone and Thank You Everything.

Merry Christmas 2008 & Happy New Year 2009

PS : * I was inspired by Dr. B to write this particular blog ~ Thank You*